Why you should use skincare that you can eat- Scratch Mommy

Why I Choose Skincare Products I Can Eat

Why I Choose Skincare Products I Can Eat- Scratch Mommy
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What’s your morning routine?

Mine goes a little like this…

Wake up, stretch, and have a tall glass of water. After that, my favourite thing to do every morning is to rinse my face with some really great alcohol, dab some sodium laurel sulfate on it, and then gently massage in some expensive parabens. There’s really nothing quite like it!

Yikes. That sounds…horrid.

Unfortunately, not long ago, that’s exactly what I would do every morning. Most commercial cleansers, toners, and moisturizers on the market are loaded with all sorts of toxic ingredients. For now forget about all the ones you can’t even pronounce or you’ve never heard of! Even if you just look at the ingredients you understand, you quickly realize that these ingredients can’t possibly be doing your body any good.

But if virtually every commercial cleanser, toner, lotion, moisturizer, facial mask, and lip balm out there is full of these types of ingredients, the question that many consumers are left with is: is it really all that bad?

The answer, quite simply, is yes. It is that bad.

[Tweet “Our skin is our largest organ. What we use on our skin is akin to what we put into our body.”]

We don’t question that eating organic, local, and unprocessed is best for our body. We pay a premium to know we are consuming the best quality meat and poultry. We make sure to source all sorts of specialty products from artisans at our favourite farm markets. Yet for some reason, when it comes to skincare, so many of us simply don’t think of using the same standards when it comes to beauty products.

Why you should use skincare that you can eat- Scratch Mommy
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Even more importantly, we’ve allowed the cosmetics industry to separate us from the process of making our own skincare products in a way that the processed food industry has not been able to separate us from our kitchens. Think about it. It’s much less common to see someone who makes their own skincare products than it is to see someone who cooks their own food. Why? So many people harbour a real fear of “meddling” with their own skincare.

Somehow the cosmetics industry has managed to create generations of North Americans who are weary of trying to DIY their own skincare products, when so many of these products can be easily and inexpensively whipped up in any average American home. Sure, the more you delve into making your own skincare, the more involved the ingredients and process can be, but there are many products that can be made quickly and with no expert knowledge needed.

Luckily you don’t need to make your own products if you don’t have the time or interest. Reputable companies like Pronounce Skincare can make your morning routine non-toxic with great products like their Face Cleanser, Face Lotion, Face Toner, Organic Lip Lotion, or their Softening Skin Scrub.

When you start making your own skincare products or you start sourcing products from companies like Scratch Mommy, the most amazing thing will happen. And I’m not just talking about your glowing skin. You will see how incredible these sweet and simple concoctions are and you simply won’t allow anything less in your house. Beyond that, you will see how easy it is to use real ingredients in your skin care products.

Four years ago, while pregnant with my first child, I first started experiencing major skincare issues which none of my usual cosmetics could fix. When my son was born, he was diagnosed with eczema, and I was never happy or satisfied with the harsh products we would use to try to soothe his skin (too bad we didn’t know about Scratch Mommy’s awesome body butters back then)!

Last year, however, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I made up my mind to respect my skin and respect my baby’s skin. I started playing around with body butters, lotions, scrubs, and oils, and discovered that I loved being able to make my own products right from the comfort of my kitchen. Not only were the products that I made at home of an amazing quality, they were also not drying or full of harsh chemicals and the best part was that I was totally confident putting these products on my newborn because everything I used was totally edible.

So, why choose skincare products you can eat? While her skin soaked up all the goodness in my homemade products, I was also totally comfortable putting them all over her body and my preschooler’s body because I knew that if the products got licked or somehow consumed (I’m thinking of that time when I was 8 and my cousin ate my chapstick…), I wouldn’t need to panic and contact my local ER.

How to source quality skincare that you can even eat- Scratch Mommy
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When you start sourcing skincare products with integrity, you won’t look back. Whether you go the DIY route and make your own products, or you explore product lines like the Pronounce Skincare products, you need to be able to rest comfortably knowing that you have the best “diet” your skin could ask for.

How Do I Start DIYing My Own Skincare Products?

Well, you are in the right place! We have loads of healthy skincare DIYs for you here at Scratch Mommy. First, you’ll want to read our informational posts to get you started…

Then, use the search bar on our site to find hundreds of free DIY recipes. This is a great category to scroll through, too. Happy DIYing, friend!


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